Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
SR/20/2/1 Booklet about trip by Doncaster Hyde Park Stirling Street Junior Boys' School 1956 Schools Derbyshire Derbyshire
CHC/13/1-13 Annual reports and other items of North Derbyshire Community Health Council 1974-1997 Organisations Derbyshire Derbyshire
PR/BRAITH/6/10 Sheet showing parts of different counties and their boundaries 1993 Ordnance Survey Derbyshire Derbyshire
DD/BELL/3 British Rail School of Transport [Postcards] 1940s Photographs Derby Derbyshire
P59/6/B7/3 Correspondence and vouchers from the overseers about 1800-1836 Civil Parish Derby Derbyshire
DY/GBF/2/2 Canal Act 1793 Land Drainage Derby Derbyshire
DY/GBF/2/2 Canal Act 1793 Other Local Government Derby Derbyshire
DD/BELL/14 Plan 1940s Railways Derby Derbyshire
DD/BELL/14 Railway 1940s Maps/Plans Derby Derbyshire
DD/BELL/3 Postcards of British Rail School of Transport 1940s Railways Derby Derbyshire

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