Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DX/TB/5/15 Conveyance and abstract of title relating to land in Church Field on the Hollowgate Hill Furlong 1867-1910 Deeds Epworth Lincolnshire
DX/TB/4/50 Relating to 2-8 Morley Place 1867-1908 Deeds Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DP/4448-4469 Building control plans of properties 1867-1903 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
P23/8/1-4 Accounts, correspondence and other items relating to the church school 1867-1902 Schools Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
DP/2366-2377 Building control plans of Littlemoor Lane 1867-1897 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/8/4/1-8 Leases and draft leases of the theatre 1867-1894 Deeds Doncaster, Market Place South Yorkshire
AB/7/8/4/1-8 Leases and draft leases of the theatre 1867-1894 Business Doncaster, Market Place South Yorkshire
DD/CL/4/4 Visitors' call book for the Ragged School 1867-1891 Schools Doncaster, Factory Lane South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/796/1 Mortgages relating to property 1867-1888 Deeds Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
AB/7/8/11/10/1-6 Agreements to supply refreshments 1867-1888 Deeds Doncaster, Racecourse South Yorkshire

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