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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P52/8/5 Conveyance of school and land, with plan 4 Dec 1922 Deeds Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire
P52/8/5 School and land 1922 Maps/Plans Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire
P52/12/1-4 Miscellaneous accounts, correspondence, newspaper cuttings and other items relating to St James church and Sunday School about 1924-1988 Anglican Parish Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire
P52/12/2 Proposed Sunday School extension 1925 Maps/Plans Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire
MQ/16/8 Area of colliery explosion 1930 Maps/Plans Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire
P52/8/7 Proposed drainage at the school 1934 Maps/Plans Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DY/BRB/10/3/6 Railway crossing 1941 Maps/Plans Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire
DY/BRB/10/3/6 Agreement for use of occupation crossing Jun 1941 Railways Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire
MQ/22/11 Manvers Main 1945 Maps/Plans Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire
P52/2/B19 Churchyard 1966 Maps/Plans Wath upon Dearne South Yorkshire

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