Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/BW/F4/34-35 Miscellaneous notes and information on the Thomas family late 19th century Estate Yapton Sussex
DZ/MD/630/49 Junction with West Street late 19th century Photographs Doncaster, St Sepulchre Gate West South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/630/49 Junction with St Sepulchre Gate West late 19th century Photographs Doncaster, West Street South Yorkshire
P23/10/3/12 Plans and sections for the Hull and Doncaster branch of the North Eastern Railway late 19th century Railways Doncaster South Yorkshire
P23/10/3/12 Plans and sections for the Hull and Doncaster branch of the North Eastern Railway late 19th century Business Doncaster South Yorkshire
P23/10/3/12 Hull and Doncaster branch of the North Eastern Railway late 19th century Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 19 Plan of proposed lines late 19th century Railways Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/MAP 19 Proposed railway lines late 19th century Maps/Plans Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/621/1 Photograph of class of schoolboys late 19th century Schools Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/65190/52 Allotment gardens late 19th century Maps/Plans Doncaster, Carr House Lane South Yorkshire

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