Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P60/6/1/1 Copy of a contract for the maintenance of the poor of Cowick in the poor house of Barnby Dun 1830 Civil Parish Cowick East Yorkshire
P60/6/1/1 Copy of a contract for the maintenance of the poor of Cowick in the poor house 1830 Civil Parish Barnby Dun South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/165/1 Copy of a bargain and sale of High Springs Sep 1689 Deeds Fenwick South Yorkshire
DZ/DAY/7/4 Copy of 1894 newspaper report on the first service at St Jude and other related material 1983 Anglican Parish Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DZ/DAY/7/4 Copy of 1894 newspaper report on the first service at St Jude and other related material 1983 Publications Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/75 Copy of 1881 enumerators' books late 20th century Census Cantley South Yorkshire
P15/8/A2 Copy of 1861 conveyance of land for the building of a school 1906 Deeds Norton South Yorkshire
DD/YAR/P4 Copy of 1857 map 1907 Enclosure Braithwell South Yorkshire
DD/YAR/P4 Copy of 1857 enclosure 1907 Maps/Plans Braithwell South Yorkshire
DZ/DAY/1/34 Copy of 1849 newspaper account of public health enquiry 1950s County Borough Doncaster South Yorkshire

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