Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/LIB/2/7/1 Scrutiny Management Board minutes and agendas 2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/19/1 Environment, Health and Housing Board minutes and agendas 2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/31/1-3 Community Development Board minutes and agendas 2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/45/1 Scrutiny Panel - Area Based Services minutes and agenda 2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/660/19 Balby Carr School Annual Parents' Report 2001-2002 Schools Balby Carr South Yorkshire
DS/NCIT/ADD/4/2/39 Correspondence relating to rail land development 2001-2002 Railways Cricklewood London
CHC/7/19 Annual report of Doncaster Rape and Abuse Counselling Centre 2001-2002 Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/3/1-3 Cabinet Ratification Committee minutes and agendas 2001-2002 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/8/1-3 People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee minutes and agendas 2001-2003 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/9/1-4 Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee minutes and agendas 2001-2005 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire

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