Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P60/10/23/21 Pastoral Measure 1983: Hook with Airmyn; Rawcliffe 9 Apr 1996 Anglican Parish Airmyn East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/2 St James' Church, Rawcliffe: Diary of Church Life, 1989-2009, Reverend G. Hollingsworth 2009 Publications Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/18 Reverend Lloyd and family 1837-1847 Photographs Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/16 Church and clergy 1837-2000 Photographs Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/12 Local men serving in the armed forces 1939 Photographs Goole East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/12 Photographs of local men serving in the armed forces 1939 Military Goole East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/11 Vicarage 1930 Photographs Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/10 Reverend Roche 1930s Photographs Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/10 Wedding of Reverend William Perry Roche and Doris Brown 1918 Photographs Rawcliffe East Yorkshire
P60/10/23/1 Vicars 1837-2007 Photographs Rawcliffe East Yorkshire

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