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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MC/3/16/6 Elevation drawings of a proposed public house off Sandford Road 1961 Business Balby South Yorkshire
DP/786-796 Building control plans of Burton Avenue 1910-1912 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
DP/798-800 Building control plans of houses and sewers on Burton Avenue 1918 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
DP/812-816 Building control plans of Carr Hill 1884-1896 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
DP/817 Building control plan of cottages Jun 1897 Maps/Plans Balby Carr South Yorkshire
DP/818-847 Building control plans of Carr Hill 1897-1922 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
DP/825-827 Building control plans of alterations to the premises of Doncaster Wire Company, Carr Hill 1904-1905 Business Balby South Yorkshire
DP/831 Building control plan of extensions to the works of Doncaster Wire Company, Carr Hill Dec 1906 Business Balby South Yorkshire
DP/833 Building control plan of shops on Carr Hill Jul 1910 Business Balby South Yorkshire
DP/836 Building control plan of Primitive Methodist chapel on Carr Hill Nov 1914 Nonconformist Churches Balby South Yorkshire

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