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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/6542 Building control plan of garage at number 32 Aug 1925 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Rainton Road South Yorkshire
DP/6550 Building control plan of garage on Victorian Crescent Dec 1925 Maps/Plans Intake South Yorkshire
DP/6553 Building control plan of garage at 23 Osborne Road Mar 1926 Maps/Plans Intake South Yorkshire
DP/6551 Building control plan of dustbin shelter Jan 1926 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Burden Lane South Yorkshire
DP/6552 Building control plan of water closet Feb 1926 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Wood Street South Yorkshire
DP/6556 Building control plan of distributing centre May 1926 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Factory Lane South Yorkshire
DP/6557 Building control plan of shops and offices May 1926 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Silver Street South Yorkshire
DP/6558-6560 Building control plans of properties 1926 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Cherry Lane South Yorkshire
DP/6459 Building control plan of extension to temporary bakehouse at numbers 7-9 May 1923 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Don Street South Yorkshire
DP/6461-6463 Building control plans of properties 1923-1925 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Thorne Road South Yorkshire

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