Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
P62/10/3 Reverend C.L. Suggit with the scout group from Christ Church 1950s Photographs Brampton Bierlow South Yorkshire
P62/10/2 Christ Church Choir 1950s Photographs Brampton Bierlow South Yorkshire
P62/10/1 Graveyard with plot numbers early 20th century Maps/Plans Brampton Bierlow South Yorkshire
P62 Records of Christ Church 1855-1971 Anglican Parish Brampton Bierlow South Yorkshire
P61/8/4 Correspondence with the West Riding County Council about the school 1905 Schools Hampole South Yorkshire
P61/8/3 Notice relating to a proposed public elementary school 1905 Schools Hampole South Yorkshire
P61/8/2 Correspondence with Education Department about Skelbrooke School 1896 Other Local Government Whitehall London
P61/8/2 Correspondence between the parish church and the Education Department in Whitehall regarding the school 1896 Schools Skelbrooke South Yorkshire
P61/8/1 School house late 19th century Maps/Plans Skelbrooke South Yorkshire
P61/8/1 Plan of school house late 19th century Schools Skelbrooke South Yorkshire

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