Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DS/NCIT/ADD/2/3/15 | London Regional Passengers Committee Corporate Plan | 1993-1996 | Publications | London | London |
NM/83/15/3 | Proposed conversion of Methodist church | 1993-1996 | Maps/Plans | Woodlands | South Yorkshire |
NM/83/15/3 | Sketch design of Methodist church for proposed conversion | 1993-1996 | Nonconformist Churches | Woodlands | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/854/1/7-22 | Programmes for productions at the Civic Theatre by the Doncaster Amateur Operatic Society | 1993-2007 | Organisations | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/854/1/7-22 | Programmes for productions at the Civic Theatre by Doncaster Amateur Operatic Society | 1993-2007 | Publications | Doncaster, Waterdale | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/854/1/7-22 | Programmes for productions at the Civic Theatre by Doncaster Amateur Operatic Society | 1993-2007 | Business | Doncaster, Waterdale | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/64 | Map of 1685 | 1994 | Photographs | Hatfield Levels | South Yorkshire |
P60/3/E12 | Site of Rawcliffe Hall | 1994 | Photographs | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
DD/ADAM/2/5 | FIAP [Federation Internationale de l'Art Photographique] gold medal awarded by the Photographic Society | 1994 | Organisations | Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
P60/3/E12 | Photograph of the site of Rawcliffe Hall | 1994 | Estate | Rawcliffe | East Yorkshire |
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