Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DP/4542-4557 | Building control plans of Wheatley Lane | 1899-1916 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/4551 | Building control plan of additions to the rear of 89 Glastonbury Terrace | May 1913 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/4553 | Building control plan of scullery at 95 Glastonbury Terrace | Feb 1914 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/4559-4567 | Building control plans of Wheatley Lane | 1919-1922 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/4636 | Building control plan of sewer on Avenue Road | Feb 1907 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/4660 | Building control plan of additions to Cheshire Cheese on Wheatley Lane | Jun 1913 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/5228-5235 | Building control plans of Avenue Road | 1923-1926 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/5237-5242 | Building control plans of Axholme Road | 1923-1926 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/5243-5247 | Building control plans of Auckland Road | 1923-1926 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/5259 | Building control plan of water closet at factory on Athron Street | Dec 1925 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
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