Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/87/7/3 Interim report of the first national conference for local pressure groups campaigning against toxic waste 1990 Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
P35/10/9 Illustrated history of the church 1990 Publications Doncaster, Christ Church South Yorkshire
P1/1/G5/13 Order of service for Doncaster Festival Civic Songs of Praise at The Dome 1990 Business Doncaster, Bawtry Road South Yorkshire
P1/1/G5/13 Order of service for Doncaster Festival Civic Songs of Praise at The Dome 1990 Anglican Parish Doncaster, Bawtry Road South Yorkshire
P1/1/G5/14 Order of service for Diocese of Sheffield Daystar 1990 Anglican Parish Doncaster, Racecourse South Yorkshire
P1/1/G5/14 Diocese of Sheffield Daystar, service held at Doncaster Racecourse 1990 Anglican Parish Sheffield South Yorkshire
DS/131/2/012 The Great British Railway Station, Hawkins 1990 Publications King's Cross London
DS/131/2/012 The Great British Railway Station, Hawkins 1990 Railways King's Cross London
MB/LEAD/1/145 Annual report of Doncaster Hospice by the Doncaster Cancer Detection Trust 1990 Hospitals Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LEAD/1/145 Annual report of Doncaster Hospice by the Doncaster Cancer Detection Trust 1990 Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire

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