Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
NSA | Marriage registers for Salvation Army Citadel | 1971-2003 | Nonconformist Churches | Doncaster, Trafford Street | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/224g | Town centre | 19th century | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Travis Yard | South Yorkshire |
P70/2/B8 | Proposed maintenance shed for the grounds of Christ Church | about 1976 | Maps/Plans | Ardsley | South Yorkshire |
P70/2/B9 | Land | 1842 | Maps/Plans | Ardsley | South Yorkshire |
P70/2/B13 | Land near Birk Crescent | 1940 | Maps/Plans | Ardsley | South Yorkshire |
P70/2/B14-B15 | Papers concerning coal holdings and licences to work coal under glebe land | 1873-1944 | Coal Mining | Ardsley | South Yorkshire |
P70/2/B17 | Shrubs planted in churchyard of Christ Church to commemorate the coronation of George VI | 1937 | Maps/Plans | Ardsley | South Yorkshire |
P70/2/C2 | Boundaries of Christ Church with St Thomas, Worsbrough Dale | 1955 | Maps/Plans | Ardsley | South Yorkshire |
P70/2/C2 | Plan showing boundaries of St Thomas with Christ Church, Ardsley | 1955 | Anglican Parish | Worsbrough Dale | South Yorkshire |
P70/2/C2 | Boundaries of St Thomas with Christ Church, Ardsley | 1955 | Maps/Plans | Worsbrough Dale | South Yorkshire |
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