Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/5672 Building control plan of mortuary Aug 1924 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Guildhall Yard South Yorkshire
DP/5672 Building control plan of mortuary Aug 1924 County Borough Doncaster, Guildhall Yard South Yorkshire
DP/6522 Building control plan of urinal Dec 1926 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Guildhall Yard South Yorkshire
DP/9247 Building control plan of water closets and garage Jun 1934 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Guildhall Yard South Yorkshire
DX/TB/4/73 Abstracts of title and other deeds relating to numbers 1 and 3 1818-1902 Deeds Doncaster, Grove Street South Yorkshire
DP/1810-1811 Building control plans of properties 1898-1920 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Grove Street South Yorkshire
DP/1811 Building control plan of Sanitary Offices May 1920 County Borough Doncaster, Grove Street South Yorkshire
AB/HEAL/6/5 Reports and papers for public enquiries into clearance areas 1937-1938 County Borough Doncaster, Grove Street South Yorkshire
AB/HEAL/7 Papers relating to nuisances needing to be remedied under Public Health and Housing Acts 1951-1960 County Borough Doncaster, Grove Street South Yorkshire
AB/TREAS/2/27/10 1:1250 sheet annotated to show proposed shopping redevelopment 1959 Ordnance Survey Doncaster, Grove Street South Yorkshire

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