Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/ARCH/1/996 | Plan of the Guild Hall | 1920s | County Borough | Doncaster, French Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/ARCH/1/457 | Proposed new water closet at number 68 | 1921 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, French Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/ARCH/1/1571 | Proposed alterations to number 73 | 1930s | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, French Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/ARCH/1/1716 | Plan of alterations to children's home on Furnival Road | 1950 | County Borough | Balby | South Yorkshire |
AB/ARCH/1/1716 | Alterations to children's home on Furnival Road | 1950 | Maps/Plans | Balby | South Yorkshire |
DP/4412 | Building control plan of cottage | Jun 1902 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Victoria Place | South Yorkshire |
DP/4422-4423 | Building control plans of Windsor Road | Sep 1902 | Maps/Plans | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DP/4422-4433 | Building control plans of Victorian Crescent | 1902-1922 | Maps/Plans | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DP/4413-4421 | Building control plans of properties | 1881-1922 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Victoria Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/4418 | Building control plan of plumber's shop store | Dec 1904 | Business | Doncaster, Victoria Street | South Yorkshire |
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