Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/7/3/5 Report book on management of Corporation estates 1818-1827 County Borough Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/5 Report book on management of Corporation estates 1818-1827 Estate Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/7-8 Survey of leasehold property belonging to the Corporation 1828 County Borough Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/9 Schedule of lands, tenements and hereditaments belonging to the Corporation 1831 County Borough Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/10 Rental 1839 County Borough Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/14 Terrier of tithable land late 18th century Tithe Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/16 Terrier 1814 Tithe Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/20 Account about 1819 Tithe Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/21 Survey 1785 Enclosure Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/3/22 Valuation of Corporation property Sep 1785 County Borough Balby South Yorkshire

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