Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
MB/PLAN/4/1/1 | Cusworth Hall; bothy, cottage, kitchen and brewhouse | 2000 | Maps/Plans | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/H129 | Cusworth Hall, south front [Engraving] | mid 18th century | Photographs | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/CY/2/31 | Cusworth Hall, south front [Engraving] | mid 18th century | Photographs | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/E7/64 | Cusworth Hall, proposed water supply | Apr 1895 | Maps/Plans | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/H165 | Cusworth Hall, Park and adjacent lands | 1770s | Maps/Plans | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/H128 | Cusworth Hall, north front elevation [Print] | mid 20th century | Photographs | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/H127 | Cusworth Hall, north front elevation [Engraving] | mid 18th century | Photographs | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/H127 | Cusworth Hall, floor plan and offices | mid 18th century | Maps/Plans | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DZ/SMITH/4/72 | Cusworth Hall, fancy dress party | about 1911 | Photographs | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
DD/BW/F5/125-135 | Cusworth Hall, exterior [Christmas Cards] | early 20th century | Photographs | Cusworth | South Yorkshire |
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