Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/2834-2843 Building control plans of Nicholson Road 1911-1921 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
DP/1180-1182 Building control plans of houses and temporary dwellings on Church Lane 1911-1921 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
DP/3250-3264 Building control plans of Rockingham Road 1911-1919 Maps/Plans Wheatley South Yorkshire
DP/37-45 Building control plans of properties 1911-1917 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Albert Street South Yorkshire
UD/ADW/2/45 Pinders Charity lands 1911-1916 Maps/Plans Adwick le Street South Yorkshire
DP/2927-2930 Building control plans of Oswin Avenue 1911-1915 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
AB/TRANS/4/1 Tramway traffic receipts relating to fares taken on Hexthorpe Road route 1911-1914 Business Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
AB/TRANS/4/1 Tramway traffic receipts relating to fares taken on Avenue Road route 1911-1914 Business Wheatley South Yorkshire
AB/TRANS/4/1 Tramway traffic receipts relating to fares taken on Beckett Road route 1911-1914 Business Wheatley South Yorkshire
AB/TRANS/4/1 Tramway traffic receipts relating to fares taken on Balby Road route 1911-1914 Business Balby South Yorkshire

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