Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/7/6/68 Conveyance of the Bay Horse public house 30 Nov 1909 Business Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/68 Bay Horse public house 1909 Maps/Plans Doncaster, French Gate South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/69 Conveyance of number 28 1910 Deeds Doncaster, Marsh Gate South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/7 Conveyance of numbers 15-19 18 Aug 1905 Deeds Doncaster, Silver Street South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/70 Conveyance of shops and dwelling houses at numbers 50-52 16 Apr 1910 Deeds Doncaster, St James Street South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/70 Conveyance of shops and dwelling houses at numbers 50-52 16 Apr 1910 Business Doncaster, St James Street South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/71 Conveyance of land and hereditaments 28 May 1910 Deeds Doncaster, Marsh Gate South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/71 Land and hereditaments 1910 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Marsh Gate South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/72 Conveyance of land 30 May 1910 Deeds Wheatley South Yorkshire
AB/7/6/73 Conveyance of land at the junction with St James Terrace 4 Jun 1910 Deeds Doncaster, St James Street South Yorkshire

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