Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/7/3/1 | List of owners and their acreages on the common | 1786 | Estate | Streetthorpe | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/3/7 | List of perpetual ticket holders | 1828 | Business | Doncaster, Racecourse | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/3/9 | Schedule of lands, tenements and hereditaments belonging to Doncaster Corporation | 1831 | County Borough | Bentley | South Yorkshire |
DS/130/2/2 | Correspondence between Wheatley Lawn Tennis Club and Danum Grammar regarding the school's use of the club's facilities | 1970-1976 | Schools | Doncaster, Waterdale | South Yorkshire |
DS/130/2/2 | Year end financial reports and working papers of the South Yorkshire Lawn Tennis Association | 1970-1976 | Organisations | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DS/130/3/1 | Lease of land near Doncaster Road, with plan | 2 Apr 1935 | Deeds | Armthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DS/130/3/1 | Land near Doncaster Road | 1935 | Maps/Plans | Armthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DS/130/3/2 | Draft lease of land on Armthorpe Road | 31 Aug 1962 | Deeds | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DS/130/5/1 | Wheatley Lawn Tennis Club matches | 1938-1970 | Photographs | Doncaster, Elmfield Park | South Yorkshire |
DS/130/5/1 | Photographs of Wheatley Lawn Tennis Club matches | 1938-1970 | Organisations | Doncaster, Elmfield Park | South Yorkshire |
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