Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Military | Doncaster, Marsh Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Other Local Government | Doncaster, Hall Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Military | Doncaster, Hall Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Other Local Government | Doncaster, St Sepulchre Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Military | Doncaster, St Sepulchre Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Other Local Government | Doncaster, Baxter Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Military | Doncaster, Baxter Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Other Local Government | Doncaster, St George Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Military | Doncaster, St George Gate | South Yorkshire |
AB/6/8/2 | National taxation assessment book for aid for the Scots Army | Jun 1645 | Other Local Government | Doncaster, Market Place | South Yorkshire |
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