Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DY/STAN/6/34 | 56a Doncaster Road | 1978, 1983 | Photographs | Armthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DS/14/3/6 | Book review Ethiopia, the Unknown Revolution by Raul Valdes Vivo | 1978-1979 | Publications | Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
DS/14/3/6 | Confederation of Iranian Students | 1978-1979 | Organisations | Iran | Iran |
DS/14/3/7 | Socialist Union (International) contacts and notes on political life | 1978-1979 | Organisations | Portugal | Portugal |
DS/NCIT/ADD/5/1/3 | Correspondence regarding tunnel proposals | 1978-1979 | Railways | Woolwich | London |
DS/NCIT/ADD/4/2/18 | Correspondence relating to Transport 2000 France, with supplementary publications | 1978-1979 | Organisations | France | France |
DS/NCIT/ADD/4/2/18 | Miscellaneous publications relating to Transport 2000 France | 1978-1979 | Publications | France | France |
DY/STAN/6/15 | View | 1978-1979 | Photographs | Doncaster, Kingsgate | South Yorkshire |
CHC/7/15-16 | Annual reports of Doncaster Cancer Detection Trust | 1978-1979 | Organisations | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DS/14/2/8 | Anti-Nazi League cash book | 1978-1979 | Organisations | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
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