Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DS/99/6/12-13 Doncaster and District Cricket League official guides 1972-1988 Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
DS/99/6/12-13 Doncaster and District Cricket League official guides 1972-1988 Publications Doncaster South Yorkshire
DS/44 Doncaster and District Council for Voluntary Service records 1943-1995 Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
DS/25 Doncaster and District Boy Scouts Association records 1908-1980s Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
DS/3 Doncaster and District Association for the Welfare of the Disabled records 1907-2005 Organisations Doncaster, Christ Church Road South Yorkshire
NM/63 Doncaster and Barnsley District LP MAA 1933-1957 Nonconformist Churches Barnsley South Yorkshire
NM/63 Doncaster and Barnsley District Local Preachers Mutual Aid Association records 1933-1957 Nonconformist Churches Doncaster South Yorkshire
NM/63 Doncaster and Barnsley District Local Preachers Mutual Aid Association records 1933-1957 Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/10/42/2 Doncaster and Balby late 19th century Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
DX/HATT/9/2 Doncaster and Adwick Roads 1916 Maps/Plans Mexborough South Yorkshire

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