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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/ARC/3/1-14 Records relating to the 250th anniversary celebrations 1999 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
MB/LEAD/2/3 Chief Executive's file 1991-1994 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DP/3059 Building control plan of houses at numbers 34-36 Aug 1906 Business Doncaster, Manor Drive South Yorkshire
DP/3012-3014 Building control plans 1889-1913 Business Doncaster, Manor Drive South Yorkshire
DP/3051 Building control plan of additions to Doncaster Gazette office 1903 Business Doncaster, Manor Drive South Yorkshire
DP/10240 Building control plan of houses May 1936 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Manor Drive South Yorkshire
DP/10243 Building control plan of houses Jul 1937 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Manor Drive South Yorkshire
DP/10244 Building control plan of garage Aug 1937 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Manor Drive South Yorkshire
DP/9573-9646 Building control plans of properties 1933-1937 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Manor Drive South Yorkshire
DP/9575 Building control plan of house and shop at number 43 Dec 1933 Business Doncaster, Manor Drive South Yorkshire

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