Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/LEAD/1/141 Doncaster Free Press supplement on The Dome 1989 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
NB/3/1 Doncaster Fellowship of Baptist Churches: Sub-Committee, membership list and minutes of a meeting 1933 Nonconformist Churches Conisbrough South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/18 Doncaster Evening Post offices 1980s Photographs Doncaster, North Bridge Road South Yorkshire
MB/EDUC/3/13 Doncaster East Reorganised Area Managers Minutes 1979-1981 Schools Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/EDUC/9/4 Doncaster District Schools Sports Association; sports day 1950s Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/33/1-3 Doncaster District Coalfields Distress Funds 1930-1937 Coal Mining Doncaster South Yorkshire
AB/CLERK/33/1-3 Doncaster District Coalfields Distress Funds 1930-1937 Organisations Doncaster South Yorkshire
P1/1/G5/17 Doncaster Deanery Confirmation Service at All Saints 1999 Anglican Parish Intake South Yorkshire
DS/92/3/1 Doncaster Cricket League officials and champions 1920-1951 Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/BW/Y64 Doncaster Corporation water supply 1880 Maps/Plans Thrybergh South Yorkshire

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