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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/411 Seating plan for the St Leger dinner 1953 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/797/19 Invitation to dinner by the First West Yorkshire Yeomanry Cavalry 5 Jun 1871 Military Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DS/NCIT/ADD/1/5/11 Copy of speech given to the 25th National Council for Inland Transport Annual General Meeting 28 Nov 1987 Organisations Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DY/MARSDEN/1/1-4 Visit by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 1948 Photographs Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DY/MARSDEN/1/5 Queen Elizabeth II with the Mayor early 1950s Photographs Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/12 High Street facade 1980s Photographs Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
P1/10/D14 The Mansion House 1950s Publications Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DZ/THEO/3-9 History, memoranda and notes 1930s-1940s Publications Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DD/JUDD/3 The Mansion House, booklet Nov 1947 Publications Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/462/20 The Mansion House about 1950 Publications Doncaster, Mansion House South Yorkshire

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