Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/BAYES | Photographs, diaries and correspondence of Sapper Ernest Bayes of the Royal Engineers | 1917-1919 | Military | France | France |
DD/BAYES | Photographs, diaries and correspondence of Sapper Ernest Bayes of the Royal Engineers | 1917-1919 | Military | Germany | Germany |
DD/BAYES/2/2 | Sapper Ernest Bayes of the Royal Engineers | 1917-1919 | Photographs | France | France |
DD/BAYES/2/2 | Sapper Ernest Bayes of the Royal Engineers | 1917-1919 | Photographs | Germany | Germany |
DD/BAYES/2/2 | Postcard view | 1917-1919 | Photographs | Cologne | Germany |
DD/BAYES/2/2 | Postcard view | 1917-1919 | Photographs | St Pol | France |
DD/BAYES/2/2 | Postcard view | 1917-1919 | Photographs | Avesne le Comte | France |
DD/BAYES/2/2 | Postcard view | 1917-1919 | Photographs | Rouen | France |
DX/ALL/11 | Testimonial of Frank Allen for the post of clerk | 1917 | Urban District Council | Arksey | South Yorkshire |
DX/ALL/11 | Testimonial of Frank Allen for the post of clerk | 1917 | Urban District Council | Bentley | South Yorkshire |
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