Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/HATT/11/2 | Draft agreement for the sale and purchase of land on Helena Street, in Lay Clay Field and Coal Pit Close | 11 Apr 1894 | Deeds | Mexborough | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/8/9/6 | Draft agreement for the erection of a rifle butt and shooting range for the 20th, 21st and 4th Doncaster Companies of the Administrative Battalion Rifle Volunteers | 1879 | Deeds | Doncaster, Racecourse | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/8/9/6 | Draft agreement for the erection of a rifle butt and shooting range for the 20th, 21st and 4th Doncaster Companies of the Administrative Battalion Rifle Volunteers | 1879 | Military | Doncaster, Racecourse | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/O3/2/2 | Draft agreement for the enclosure of Manor Garth at Moat Hills | 1817 | Enclosure | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/O3/2/2 | Draft agreement for the enclosure of Manor Garth at Moat Hills | 1817 | Deeds | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DX/HATT/1/12 | Draft agreement for the dissolution of partnership of Green and Son, 63 High Street | 1 Jun 1928 | Business | Mexborough | South Yorkshire |
DX/HATT/1/12 | Draft agreement for the dissolution of partnership of Green and Son, 63 High Street | 1 Jun 1928 | Deeds | Mexborough | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/8/12/125 | Draft agreement for tenancy of warehouse | 24 Nov 1916 | Deeds | Doncaster, Volunteer Yard | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/8/12/125 | Draft agreement for tenancy of warehouse | 24 Nov 1916 | Business | Doncaster, Volunteer Yard | South Yorkshire |
AB/7/8/7/3 | Draft agreement for tenancy of Red House Farm | 26 Nov 1890 | Deeds | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
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