Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 | Tunnel Pit Farm | 1919 | Maps/Plans | Wroot | Lincolnshire |
DY/DAW/9/245 | Freehold agricultural estates | 1919 | Maps/Plans | Wroot | Lincolnshire |
DY/DAW/9/248 | Freehold estates | 1919 | Maps/Plans | Wroot | Lincolnshire |
DX/BAX/61890 | Printed bill of sale for Tunnel Pit Farm and other property | 1919 | Sales Catalogues | Wroot | Lincolnshire |
DZ/MD/396/86 | Warehouses, workshops, sheds, stables and garden to the rear of number 54 | 1919 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, French Gate | South Yorkshire |
NM/15/17/1 | Doncaster and District Primitive Methodist Churches, 1819-1919: Souvenir of Centenary Celebrations, booklet | 1919 | Nonconformist Churches | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
NM/15/17/1 | Doncaster and District Primitive Methodist Churches, 1819-1919: Souvenir of Centenary Celebrations, booklet | 1919 | Publications | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DP/2646-2648 | Building control plans of paper staining works | 1919 | Business | Doncaster, Milethorne Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/2736-2737 | Building control plans of bottling store | 1919 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Nelson Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/2179-2180 | Building control plans of temporary cinema in former Subscription Rooms | 1919 | County Borough | Doncaster, High Street | South Yorkshire |
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