Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DP/2260-2287 | Building control plans of King's Road | 1887-1921 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/2337-2345 | Building control plans of Lifford Road | 1915-1922 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/2416-2420 | Building control plans of Lockwood Road | 1898-1922 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/2418 | Building control plan of houses on Carlton Road | Jan 1911 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/2451-2457 | Building control plans of Lowther Road | 1903-1914 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/2663-2692 | Building control plans of Morley Road | 1893-1922 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/2665 | Building control plan of houses on Cranbrook Road | Jul 1899 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/2673 | Building control plan of Methodist church | May 1905 | Maps/Plans | Wheatley | South Yorkshire |
DP/1 | Building control plan of new street off Hexthorpe Lane | Mar 1896 | Maps/Plans | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
DP/2-5 | Building control plans of Ellys Avenue | 1894 | Maps/Plans | Hexthorpe | South Yorkshire |
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