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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/594/31-32 Photographs of Stanley Pinder shopfront early 20th century Business Doncaster, St Sepulchre Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/594/38 Photograph of Lightowler early 20th century Business Doncaster, Silver Street South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/594/23 Photograph of Gazette Corner early 20th century Business Doncaster, Printing Office Street South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/594/45 Photograph of junction with West Street showing Leopard Hotel and May and Son early 20th century Business Doncaster, St Sepulchre Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/594/44 Photograph of J. Aspinall shopfront about 1905 Business Doncaster, West Laith Gate South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/594/45 Photograph of junction with St Sepulchre Gate showing Leopard Hotel and May and Son early 20th century Business Doncaster, West Street South Yorkshire
DY/MARSDEN/1/8 Photograph of Legard's shopfront 1970s Business Doncaster, High Street South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/10/13 Photograph of Exchange Bar about 1950s Business Doncaster, Market Place South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/10/14 Photograph of Co-operative Store, Harry Jacobs and Boddys about 1950s Business Doncaster, St Sepulchre Gate South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/10/15 Photograph of J.T. Smith, Bunting, Jas Smith and Sons, Herberts about 1950s Business Doncaster, Scot Lane South Yorkshire

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