Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DS/NCIT/ADD/11/1 | Rotherham, its History, Church and Chapel on the Bridge | 1971 | Publications | Rotherham | South Yorkshire |
MQ/8/4 | Register of prosecutions by owners of employees | 1971 | Coal Mining | Yorkshire | Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/462/23 | Travellers in South Yorkshire 1724-1830 | 1971 | Publications | South Yorkshire | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/206 | County Council Strategy Diagram B | 1971 | County Borough | West Riding of Yorkshire | West Riding of Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/206 | County Council Strategy Diagram B | 1971 | Maps/Plans | West Riding of Yorkshire | West Riding of Yorkshire |
DD/ADAM/1/39 | K.I.P. Adamson and form, Technical High School for Boys | 1971 | Photographs | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DD/ADAM/1/39 | Photograph of K.I.P. Adamson and form, Technical High School for Boys | 1971 | Schools | Intake | South Yorkshire |
DS/119/8/5 | List of hotels, restaurants and cafes in the county borough | 1971 | Business | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DS/119/8/5 | List of hotels, restaurants and cafes in the county borough | 1971 | County Borough | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
P1/10/D9 | By-pass | 1971 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Church Way | South Yorkshire |
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