Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MQ/15/2 File relating to an alleged interference with the manager of Woodmoor Colliery in the execution of his duty 1927 Coal Mining Wharncliffe South Yorkshire
MQ/15/3-28 Inquest into the explosion at Woodmoor Colliery on 6 August 1936 1936-1937 Coal Mining Wharncliffe South Yorkshire
MQ/15/29 File on the prosecution of Woodmoor Colliery on the failure to fence machinery 1938 Coal Mining Wharncliffe South Yorkshire
MQ/15/21 Coal seam workings at Woodmoor Colliery 1936 Maps/Plans Wharncliffe South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/62/W32 FILM 2 Copy of a royal grant of 22 June 1294 of a Monday market and annual fair 17th century Deeds Wexburghe London
DX/BAX/61912/1-11 Abstract of title and other deeds relating to copyhold land 1696-1722 Deeds Westwoodside Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61914 Abstract of title to property 1822 Deeds Westwoodside Lincolnshire
DX/BAX/61915 Abstracts of title and draft deeds relating to property 1829-1834 Deeds Westwoodside Lincolnshire
DZ/TAY/8/16 Bullhassocks Farm 1965 Maps/Plans Westwoodside Lincolnshire
NM/60 South Yorkshire Mission Circuit records 1904-1944 Nonconformist Churches Westwoodside Lincolnshire

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