Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
SY/712/B237 | Cantley Hall estate | about 1901 | Maps/Plans | Cantley | South Yorkshire |
SY/712/B237 | Cantley Hall estate | about 1901 | Maps/Plans | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
SY/712/B237 | Cantley Hall estate | about 1901 | Maps/Plans | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
SY/712/B237 | Plan of Cantley Hall estate | about 1901 | Estate | Auckley | South Yorkshire |
SY/712/B237 | Plan of Cantley Hall estate | about 1901 | Estate | Blaxton | South Yorkshire |
SY/712/B237 | Plan of Cantley Hall estate | about 1901 | Estate | Cantley | South Yorkshire |
SY/712/B237 | Plan of Cantley Hall estate | about 1901 | Estate | Hatfield | South Yorkshire |
SY/712/B237 | Plan of Cantley Hall estate | about 1901 | Estate | Rossington | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/880/1/99 | Sale particulars for the contents of The Cottage, Church Street | 6 Sep 1951 | Sales Catalogues | Bawtry | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/880/1/98 | Sale particulars for Fenwick Farm | 18 Aug 1951 | Sales Catalogues | Fenwick | South Yorkshire |
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