Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
MB/EDUC/3/8 Education Bill 1978-1979 Other Local Government South Yorkshire South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/793/1 Education and Training Yearbook 2006-2007 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/793/1 Education and Training Yearbook 2006-2007 Publications Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/793/1 Education and training yearbook 2006-2007 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/42/1-2 Education and Culture Board minutes and agendas 2000-2001 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/6/43 Edlington Lane 1984, 1986 Photographs Edlington South Yorkshire
DY/EDLO/7 Edlington Lane 1921 Maps/Plans Edlington South Yorkshire
DZ/MZ/30/Z23 Edenthorpe Hall, garden front late 19th century Photographs Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/610 Edenthorpe Hall, exterior about 1873 Photographs Edenthorpe South Yorkshire
DZ/MD/880/1/59 Edenfield House 1892 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Thorne Road South Yorkshire

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