Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
AHA/4/3/1-46 | Annual reports of the Medical Officer of Health | 1921-1970 | Other Local Government | Conisbrough | South Yorkshire |
DY/HICK/1 | Contract book of H.A. Hickson, architect | 1921-1964 | Business | Doncaster, Hall Gate | South Yorkshire |
DZ/COLES/33-44 | Registration of Corporation public transport vehicles | 1921-1956 | County Borough | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DY/PUNCH/24-26 | Records of J.H. Cook and Company Limited | 1921-1955 | Business | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
SY/614/K25/1-2 | Accounts for Poor's Land Charity and Poor's Money Charity | 1921-1951 | Organisations | Cantley | South Yorkshire |
AB/ARCH/1/237-242 | Horse sales | 1921-1945 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Glasgow Paddocks | South Yorkshire |
DY/HICK/1 | Contract book of H.A. Hickson, architect | 1921-1940 | Business | Doncaster, Hall Gate | South Yorkshire |
DD/DODDS/1-17 | Photographs, scrapbook and presscuttings relating to Doncaster Motorcycle Club | 1921-1937 | Organisations | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DD/DODDS/16-17 | Presscuttings relating to Doncaster Motorcycle Club | 1921-1937 | Publications | Doncaster | South Yorkshire |
DD/WN/A11/14-15 | Account books for the parish church | 1921-1936 | Anglican Parish | Hooton Pagnell | South Yorkshire |
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