Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DP/7677 | Building control plan of offices at number 28 | Feb 1931 | Business | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/11072-11076 | Building control plans of properties | 1937-1939 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/11072 | Building control plan of additional water closet at Currie's Garage Limited | Nov 1937 | Business | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/11073 | Building control plan of alterations and extension to Doncaster Trades Club | Mar 1938 | Organisations | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/11074 | Building control plan of locker and cloak room for the Model Lodging House | Apr 1938 | Business | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/11075 | Building control plan of storage shed for Yorkshire Amalgamated Products Limited | Jun 1938 | Business | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/11075 | Building control plan of car wash at Currie's Garage | Jun 1938 | Business | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/9703-9704 | Building control plans of properties | 1934 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
DP/9703 | Building control plan of depot and stores at number 10 | May 1934 | Business | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
MB/LEAD/1/241 | Memorandum in support of an application by number 27 for a music, singing and dancing licence | about 1988 | Metropolitan Borough Council | Doncaster, North Bridge Road | South Yorkshire |
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