Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/BROD/20/148 | Road house on Great North Road | Jul 1938 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/B2/2/6 | Electric lines from Bullcroft | 1915 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/C2/128 | Housing development at Crabgate Lane | 1959 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E4/6/1 | Land | 1756 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E3/2/1 | Land belonging to the Marquis of Rockingham | 1769 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/69/1 | Estate | 1825 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E10/6 | Estate | 1868 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 | Watercorn mill, house, farm buildings and land | 1892 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/E10/11 | Properties | 1900 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
DD/DC/C2/65 | Alterations and repairs to Skellow Hall | 1920-1946 | Maps/Plans | Skellow | South Yorkshire |
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