Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/TAY/6/4 Doncaster and the Doncaster Area, The Homeland Handbooks Number 94 1925 Publications Doncaster South Yorkshire
DZ/SMITH/12/26 Doncaster and the Doncaster Area, The Homeland Handbooks volume 94 1925 Publications Doncaster South Yorkshire
MC/1/25/53 Application for renewal of licence of The Railway Tavern, with newspaper article relating to closure 1925 Business Fenwick South Yorkshire
MC/1/25/53 Newspaper article relating to the closure of The Railway Tavern 1925 Publications Fenwick South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1579 Woodfield School 1925 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1579 Plan of Woodfield School 1925 Schools Balby South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1049 Roads, sewers and fencing on housing estate 1925 Maps/Plans Warmsworth South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1073 Steel houses on Woodfield Lane 1925 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1075 Sewers on Woodfield Lane housing estate 1925 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1080 Telephone line on Woodfield Lane housing estate 1925 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire

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