Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DP/3040 | Building control plan of stable | Jan 1893 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Royal Oak Yard | South Yorkshire |
DD/WN/B10/1 | Old and new infirmaries | 1928 | Photographs | Doncaster, Royal Infirmary | South Yorkshire |
DD/WN/B10/1 | Photographs of old and new infirmaries | 1928 | Hospitals | Doncaster, Royal Infirmary | South Yorkshire |
P1/10/E2/34 | Visits by the clergy from Doncaster St George | about 1970s | Photographs | Doncaster, Royal Infirmary | South Yorkshire |
P1/10/E2/34 | Photographs of visits by the clergy from Doncaster St George | about 1970s | Hospitals | Doncaster, Royal Infirmary | South Yorkshire |
P1/10/E2/34 | Photographs of visits by the clergy from Doncaster St George | about 1970s | Anglican Parish | Doncaster, Royal Infirmary | South Yorkshire |
DZ/ML/3/151 | Prince of Wales at stone laying ceremony | 12 Oct 1926 | Photographs | Doncaster, Royal Infirmary | South Yorkshire |
DZ/ML/3/151 | Photograph of Prince of Wales at stone laying ceremony | 12 Oct 1926 | Hospitals | Doncaster, Royal Infirmary | South Yorkshire |
CHC/6/4 | Regional Inquiry into Allegations Concerning the Care of Mothers and Babies in the Doncaster Royal Infirmary 1981-1990, report by Trent Health | 1992 | Hospitals | Doncaster, Royal Infirmary | South Yorkshire |
CHC/6/4 | Regional Inquiry into Allegations Concerning the Care of Mothers and Babies in the Doncaster Royal Infirmary 1981-1990, report by Trent Health | 1992 | Publications | Doncaster, Royal Infirmary | South Yorkshire |
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