Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/ARCH/1/1215-1216 Hexthorpe Flatts 1927-1934 Maps/Plans Hexthorpe South Yorkshire
P1/4/D12/6 Proposed alterations 1927-1934 Maps/Plans Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
P1/4/D23 Alterations to church schools 1927-1934 Maps/Plans Doncaster, St George South Yorkshire
DP/7149-7160 Building control plans of properties 1927-1933 Maps/Plans Doncaster, East Laith Gate South Yorkshire
DP/6983-6986 Building control plans of properties 1927-1933 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Cemetery Road South Yorkshire
DP/6868-6930 Building control plans of properties 1927-1933 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Carr House Road South Yorkshire
DP/6838-6840 Building control plans of Buckingham Road 1927-1933 Maps/Plans Intake South Yorkshire
DP/7443-7449 Building control plans of Hampton Road 1927-1933 Maps/Plans Intake South Yorkshire
DP/7519-7525 Building control plans of Imperial Crescent 1927-1933 Maps/Plans Intake South Yorkshire
DP/7463-7503 Building control plans of properties 1927-1933 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Hall Gate South Yorkshire

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