Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
AB/7/4/285 Lease of land 30 Jun 1615 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/327 Lease of lands 15 Jul 1623 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
AB/7/4/304-306 Leases of farm and lands 17 Jun 1619 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/1 Land acquired under Dun Drainage Act 1873 1876 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/1 Notice to treat between Dun Drainage Commissioners and Trustees of St Thomas' Hospital concerning land acquired under the Dun Drainage Act 1873 1876 Other Local Government Balby South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/2 Draft conveyance of Spital Field 1894-1896 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/6 Correspondence regarding sale of land to South Yorkshire Joint Railway 1906 Railways Balby South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/7 Lease of Nether Furlong Close 9 May 1917 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/8 Lease of Spital Field 16 Feb 1922 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire
DX/WAR/A2/9 Draft agreement and conveyance of Shoulder of Mutton Close 1922-1923 Deeds Balby South Yorkshire

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