Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
P13/4/G2 | Proposed church reconstruction | 1968 | Maps/Plans | Kirk Sandall | South Yorkshire |
DY/STAN/5/35-36 | Pilkington Factory | 1969 | Maps/Plans | Kirk Sandall | South Yorkshire |
DZ/MD/220 | District | about 1977 | Maps/Plans | Kirk Sandall | South Yorkshire |
P13/9/B2 | Tithe, copy | 1846-1848 | Maps/Plans | Kirk Sandall | South Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/MAP 39 | Enclosure | 1810 | Maps/Plans | Kirk Smeaton | North Yorkshire |
DZ/MZ/69/1 | Skelbrooke estate | 1825 | Maps/Plans | Kirk Smeaton | North Yorkshire |
DX/BAX/S/VOLUME 2 | Land | 1855 | Maps/Plans | Kirk Smeaton | North Yorkshire |
DY/DAW/9/185 | Stapleton Park estate | 1919 | Maps/Plans | Kirk Smeaton | North Yorkshire |
DY/DAW/9/73 | Farms, cottages and land | 1920 | Maps/Plans | Kirk Smeaton | North Yorkshire |
PR/DEN/7/7 | Extension to sewage disposal works | 1955 | Maps/Plans | Kirkthorpe | West Yorkshire |
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