Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DZ/MD/344/1-13 Factory and products of Briggs Motor Bodies Limited, Carr Bank 1940s Photographs Balby South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/9/21 Factory 1964 Maps/Plans Bentley South Yorkshire
DY/DAW/9/118 Factories 1965 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Milethorn Lane South Yorkshire
DD/BELL/30 F.G. Bellamy in the control office of Gresley House 1964 Photographs Doncaster, Trafford Way South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/8/6 Eyres Department Store 1984 Maps/Plans Doncaster, High Street South Yorkshire
DY/STAN/8/6 Eyres Department Store 1984 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Printing Office Street South Yorkshire
DY/BML/4/4 Eyewitness accounts of the fire at the mill 1922 Business Moorends South Yorkshire
MB/LIB/2/22/1 Extraordinary Planning Committee minutes and agendas Jun 2009 Metropolitan Borough Council Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/COO/1210 Extracts from the registers of All Saints showing burials of the Foster family 1793 Anglican Parish Arksey South Yorkshire
DD/COV/7/3 Extracts from the parish registers relating to the title of William Killam 1800-1845 Anglican Parish Hatfield South Yorkshire

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