Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DD/DC/D/566 Final concord on messuages, land, meadow, pasture, common of pasture and appurtenances 3 Feb 1717 Deeds Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/618 Common recovery on messuages, gardens, land, meadow, pasture, wood, land covered with water, common of pasture and appurtenances 1829 Deeds Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/808 Depositions of witnesses in a case concerning title to mills and land about 1605 Other Local Government Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/808 Depositions of witnesses in a case concerning title to mills and land about 1605 Business Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/900 Exemplification of common recovery relating to messuages 22 Jun 1531 Deeds Doncaster South Yorkshire
DD/DC/D/902 Lease of lands, tenements, meadows and pasture 8 Jul 1534 Deeds Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61088 Title deeds to property of the Childers family 1696-1814 Deeds Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61088 Title deeds to property of the Childers family 1696-1814 Estate Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61111 Abstracts of title to property of John Walbanke Childers 1814-1848 Deeds Doncaster South Yorkshire
DX/BAX/61111 Abstracts of title, accounts and correspondence relating to property of John Walbanke Childers 1814-1848 Estate Doncaster South Yorkshire

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