Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/7815-7816 Building control plans of extension to Printing Works 1931 Business Doncaster, Scot Lane South Yorkshire
DP/7685-7686 Building control plans of properties 1931 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Oxford Place South Yorkshire
DP/8351-8353 Building control plans of properties 1931 Maps/Plans Doncaster, West Laith Gate South Yorkshire
DP/8554-8555 Building control plans of alterations and additions to the Arcadia Concert Pavilion 1931 Business Doncaster, Waterdale South Yorkshire
AB/ARCH/1/1586 Area 1931 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Low Pasture South Yorkshire
CC4/2/1 Inquest on colliery explosion 1931 Coal Mining Bentley South Yorkshire
SY/296/C9/7 W.C. Houseman, national police champion for the mile and half mile 1931 Photographs Doncaster South Yorkshire
SY/582/Z2/1 Commemorative napkin regarding the colliery disaster 1931 Coal Mining Bentley South Yorkshire
MQ12/6 Colliery explosion scene 1931 Maps/Plans Bentley South Yorkshire
MQ17/6 Colliery explosion scene 1931 Maps/Plans Bentley South Yorkshire

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