Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DP/2942-2944 | Building control plans of properties | 1901-1916 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Oxford Place | South Yorkshire |
DP/2932 | Building control plan of schools | Jan 1870 | Schools | Doncaster, Oxford Place | South Yorkshire |
DP/2937 | Building control plan of Wesleyan Day School | Aug 1896 | Nonconformist Churches | Doncaster, Oxford Place | South Yorkshire |
DP/2937 | Building control plan of Wesleyan Day School | Aug 1896 | Schools | Doncaster, Oxford Place | South Yorkshire |
DP/2939 | Building control plan of schools | Oct 1902 | Schools | Doncaster, Oxford Place | South Yorkshire |
DP/2945-2963 | Building control plans of properties | 1867-1876 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Oxford Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/2966-2967 | Building control plans of properties | 1892-1899 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Oxford Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/2967 | Building control plan of shop front | Sep 1899 | Business | Doncaster, Oxford Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/2964-2965 | Building control plans of properties | 1888-1891 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Upper Oxford Street | South Yorkshire |
DP/2968 | Building control plan of alterations to number 39 | May 1907 | Maps/Plans | Doncaster, Upper Oxford Street | South Yorkshire |
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