Archive Place Name Index

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Item Id Item Item Date Category Place Location
DP/6681-6692 Building control plans of Beckett Road 1931-1933 Maps/Plans Wheatley South Yorkshire
DP/8254-8259 Building control plans of properties 1931-1933 Maps/Plans Doncaster, Thoresby Avenue South Yorkshire
DP/8344-8348 Building control plans of Westholme Road 1931-1933 Maps/Plans Balby South Yorkshire
UD/BEN/2/2 Colliery disaster, plan of cemetery 1931-1932 Coal Mining Bentley South Yorkshire
UD/BEN/2/2 Colliery disaster, cemetery 1931-1932 Maps/Plans Bentley South Yorkshire
MQ/17/1-29 Investigation into colliery explosion 1931-1932 Coal Mining Bentley South Yorkshire
DD/WN/A11/9 File on the installation of electric lighting in the parish church 1931-1932 Anglican Parish Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
DD/WN/A11/9 Electric lighting in the parish church 1931-1932 Maps/Plans Hooton Pagnell South Yorkshire
DD/BROD/9/154-155 Accounts relating to post nuptial settlement 1931-1932 Estate London London
DD/CY/P33 Plans of Wadworth Hall 1931-1932 Estate Wadworth South Yorkshire

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