Archive Place Name Index
Item Id | Item | Item Date | Category | Place | Location |
DD/MF/1/46 | Area, copies | 20th century | Maps/Plans | Denaby | South Yorkshire |
P45/8/3 | Proposed addition to School Mission Church | 1900 | Maps/Plans | Denaby | South Yorkshire |
P45/8/4 | Proposed school addition | 1909 | Maps/Plans | Denaby | South Yorkshire |
P43/9/2 | Tithe | 1839 | Maps/Plans | Denaby | South Yorkshire |
P43/9/3 | Tithe | 1902 | Maps/Plans | Denaby | South Yorkshire |
DD/MF/1/7 | Far Underhill Field | 1890 | Maps/Plans | Denaby Main | South Yorkshire |
DD/MF/1/8 | Far Underhill Field | 1892 | Maps/Plans | Denaby Main | South Yorkshire |
DD/MF/1/12 | Underhill Field | 1895 | Maps/Plans | Denaby Main | South Yorkshire |
DD/MF/1/15 | Underhill Field | 1896 | Maps/Plans | Denaby Main | South Yorkshire |
DD/MF/1/31 | Underhill Field | 1908 | Maps/Plans | Denaby Main | South Yorkshire |
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